As My Mind Clears, My Anxiety Appears. — Tarnished Soul

I have been without a drink since last Friday. I don’t drink to excess (I haven’t been drunk, since 2010), but I have been drinking almost everyday since the end of April. I made a decision, this past Saturday, to begin attending meetings again. I’ve been to two, and they went how I expected – […]

via As My Mind Clears, My Anxiety Appears. — Tarnished Soul

BYJ: Day 23 – You are what you pay attention to. — Tarnished Soul

I haven’t written in my Beautiful You Journal in a while, but I looked at the book tonight and found the topic interesting. The author stresses that where you put your energy is what you will become. I find the concept a major big deal, because I have been feeling lately that I put way […]

via BYJ: Day 23 – You are what you pay attention to. — Tarnished Soul

This too shall pass

You wake up in the morning with cold, feeling down and under, always remember that this too shall pass

You have a disagreement with you spouse or even at work place, be at peace rest a while and remember this too shall pass

All around you the best description that befits you is stagnation, everything seems to be taking longer than expected time.  You wait for job that now seems elusive. You wait for an answer that doesn’t seem to come through. You study long years, weeks and hours to get a degree but you are yet to graduate. Be at rest and remember that this too shall pass.

Challenges are coming your way, instead of blessings they overtake you and they end up squizing the little faith our of your sight.  When doubts start creeping into your mind and you seem to loose faith and hope in God. Never forget to take a rest from all your battles.  Breath in breath out and remember that this too shall pass.

Waiting upon God seems to be the hardest thing, yet it’s the best thing that comes with blessings and anointing. It pays to wait upon God.


So when your path has hit the wall and your back is up against the wall REMEMBER THAT THIS TOO SHALL PASS

The Opposite Gender: A Wish, A Reality, A Fantasy? — Tarnished Soul

Today, I was perusing other blog’s posts and came across this post that posed an intriguing question (Okay, so I’m intrigued, but maybe you are too): What if you were born the opposite sex? This topic is something I deal with in my own blog posts, as you can see here and here. I have been […]

via The Opposite Gender: A Wish, A Reality, A Fantasy? — Tarnished Soul